Monday, February 27, 2006

Myrtle gets a Job

Today Myrtle got a job.
We went to the restauraunt Dusti's Country Kitchen, and they hired myrtle as a Pre-Wash dishwasher. Myrtles loves it. Her Job duites are as follows:
Pre -Wash all the dirty dishes. ( Thats It) You should see Her, she is so excited.
I picked her up from the Job at 8:30, thats kind of late for after school, but we have to pay for all the girl Scout Cookies she ate. Around 9:30, Her boss called ( Mrs Dusti ) And said I needed to have a talk with Her about Her Job duties. " Why I asked?" Myrtle is confused about pre-washing She Said. She is supposed to pre-wash the dishes in the sink before they go to the dishwasher, but instead She is licking the plates clean. ( thats My Girl I thought )
All the Staff in the restauraunt was grossing out . If Myrtle was licking them I'm sure they were pretty clean. Mrs Dusti said She tried Myrtle at Pre-bussing the tables, but all the customers were having a fit, especially when She climbed up on the table and began helping Herself to all the food. And She kept stuffing yeast rolls in Her pouch.
So I guess I will have to talk to her tonight about work ethics. And maybe send a Peanut Butter sandwich with her, for a snack. Or some more girl Scout Cookies, We still have a few boxes left.
We'll Myrtles very tired after her first day as a Working girl, theres homework and Chores to do, tommorow Myrtle is trying out for a part in the School Play, She wants the part of Cinderella, As ugly as She is She really should try out for one of the Evil Stepsisters.
So wish Her luck.
Until then
Myrtle's Father


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