Sunday, February 12, 2006

Myrtles first dentist appointment

"Stop Laughing I said "
But they just kept on. It was Myrtles first Dentist appointment. Doctor Fixatooth and his Lovely Assistant was huddled up in the corner laughing at Myrtles X-rays. What could be so Damn funny I thought? Myrtle has extremely buck teeth, and I took her in to get an estimate for her braces. We'll it will cost you quite a bit said Fixatooth. It will take a few railroad ties to fix that grill. The word grill made me nervous, because it was around lunchtime, and you know how a bunch of Hillbillys like Grilled Opossum. Myrtle was real fidgity, especially with the lip retractors on. I reassured her that everything would be alright, even though I knew it would take a miracle to fix her snaggly smile. She's so bucktooth she could eat Blackeyed peas out of a coke bottle. But everything worked out o.k., I gave Fixatooth the title to my old 92 dodge colt
For a down payment, God only knows how I will come up with the rest.
As usual Myrtle was sort of tramatized by the whole event, So I decided we would go to Old Europe for a coffee and Biscotti. While we were relaxing at old Europe, sipping our coffee, Myrtle got chocked on a peice of Biscotti, So in a panic I asked the waitress to call 911, She did And I heard her tell the dispatcher. 'There is a man here giving mouth to mouth to a very Large Rat, Could you send the Guy's in the Funny farm Wagon, He's upsetting the customers."
Someone in the backgroung yelled " Get a room ". Before the rescue arrived myrtle upchuked
The Biscotti and re-ate it and She was o.k. Of course that set off a chain reaction of throwing up among all the other customers. So I decided we'd better go before any more commotion happend, But as slow as She is, it took her a while to finish peeing on the white tablecloth and twirl down the chair with her tail. I couldent help but think how cute She was during all of this ( thats a Fathers love for you )
Well We better go, I need to get myrtle in Bed early tonight, She has her Halloween Costume fitting tommorow, Cant really reveal whats she's going as next year, It will be a surprise for all of us.
Myrtles Father


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Matt,
Ah... Episode 5 of Season one "Myrtle and Her Father" movie!
Myrtle and I share something in common- visual problems.

3:29 AM  

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